It is not true that a bunion can just be shaved off simply as an overgrowing bone. Bunions are complex and may require a little more than just shaving off. Dr. Jordan D Cameron is the leader in offering you the best Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction treatment and is the only treatment you may require to eliminate the pain of a bunion. He is very knowledgeable and understands what a successful treatment means.
What is a bunion?
A bunion describes a bony bump forming on the base of your big toe at the joint. It may happen when the bones in your foot at the front move out of place, causing the tip of the big toe to move towards your other toes forcing your joints to stick out.

What may be the causes of a bunion?
There may be no exact causes of a bunion, but there may be factors including:
· Congenital deformities
· Foot injuries
· Inherited foot type
There may be arguments on whether tight or too narrow shoes may also contribute to bunions. Bunions may also be due to certain forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
What are known types of bunions?
· Congenital bunions
These are bunions from birth
· Adolescent bunions
This type affects between the ages of 10-15
· Tailor’s bunion
Forms on the base of your pinky toe

What are the signs of bunions?
Your bunion may resemble a turnip, swollen and red. You may also have other signs:
· Pain when bending your big toe
· Thickened skin
· Numbness
· Difficulty wearing regular shoes
What is the diagnosis and treatment of a bunion?
Your doctor may notice a bunion by observing your foot and then administer an X-ray to help set up the best treatment option, including:
· Conservative treatment
Your doctor may recommend treatment to relieve the pressure and pain on the bunion. This treatment may include:
• Medications
• Using ice
• Padding your feet
· Lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction
This procedure involves using special instruments to rotate your bone to a normal position while eliminating the bump and relieving the pain. The treatment secures the foundation of your feet, allowing you to walk normally.

What is the difference between Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction and traditional 2D surgery?
Lapiplasty works to return your entire bone to its correct alignment with a 3D correction and also ensures that it secures the unstable joint. This 3D treatment allows you to get a quick recovery. While the traditional 2D surgery cuts and shifts your bone with a 2D correction and addresses the bump only. You may not be able to do much with your feet for up to two months.
What is the recovery timeline from the 3D treatment?
Within a few days after your first treatment, you may start to apply a little weight to your treated foot. Next month, you may begin walking in your boot and resume your daily activities. By the 6th -8th week, you may put on comfortable footwear. And by the end of a month, you are fine to wear regular shoes.
Visit Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado to experience this advanced treatment for your bunions or make your appointment online.