Whether you have a new injury or suffer from chronic pain due to a health condition, you recognize how devastating it could be at times. Whereas every person’s difficulties might differ, one thing is certain: if discomfort is not well handled, it will soon spread beyond the body and impair your emotional wellness. Here are six indicators that you should consider seeking pain management therapy at Garden State Pain Control:
1. You Suffer Persistent Pain
Your discomfort may start modestly, but it will worsen with time. The pain could also begin with a rapid onset for which you have no explanation. This chronic discomfort indicates that you should seek medical advice to evaluate whether you need extra medical care.
2. Pain Interrupts Your Everyday Routine

For some persons, pain could be a life-changing experience because it generally impacts their life quality. Not only can it keep you from enjoying time with friends and family, but even simple tasks such as house chores and walking around. With pain management, patients can access a range of care options, including medicine, aquatic or physical therapy. Other alternative options include platelet-rich plasma injections, rehabilitation, behavioral therapy, physical therapy, etc.
3. Sharp Pain Starts To Spread To Other Areas
If you have discomfort that travels throughout your body, you should visit a doctor for a thorough examination and evaluation. Some health concerns will ultimately result in chronic pain. Early intervention allows you to manage it more comprehensively, explaining why the orthopedic & pain management physicians in New Jersey utilize a comprehensive approach to pain management.
4. Medications Available Over-The-Counter Are Ineffective
Some persons who are in pain choose over-the-counter drugs to relieve their symptoms. Whereas it will help with mild illnesses and injuries, it might not be sufficient to alleviate your long-term discomfort. You should seek professional care if you cannot handle your pain as it could signify a more serious problem.
5. Your Pain Has Subsided, But Your Progress Has Stalled

Those who struggle with chronic pain will tell you that they wish to be pain-free. It drives the pain management physicians to employ a different approach to addressing this concern. If you have tried one strategy to relieve your discomfort, you might realize that you are not processing as expected. Often, this is a hint that you should switch to re-energize your progress and live a life free of pain and discomfort.
6. You Cannot Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Insomnia and pain can greatly impact your emotional and physical wellness. Agony makes it difficult to sleep, whereas sleeplessness makes your pain worse. Suppose over-the-counter sleep aids or self-help exercises do not relieve your discomfort. In that case, you should see a pain management specialist for a professional evaluation of your pain and analysis of your general health.
You should never dismiss pain irrespective of how mild it might seem. More often than not, pain is a sign from your body of an underlying concern. Whether you are concerned about migraines, joint, back, neck, knee, leg, or hip pain, the orthopedic & pain management physicians of New Jersey can help. To discuss your unique pain concerns, and explore your care options, call the office near you or use the online scheduling tool to arrange an appointment today.