Birth control methods also referred to as family planning methods, help you have the number of children you can raise and meet their needs. They also help you get children when you want and are ready for them. Usually, there are various family planning methods, each with pros and cons.
For this reason, you should choose a family planning method that fits into your schedule and does not affect your state of health. Therefore, if you want to start planning your family, Pearland med spa gynecologists are here to help you with the best family planning method. Let’s learn more about various types of family planning methods below.
Do you need birth control?

In most cases, birth control methods are used by women who are sexually active and do not want to conceive. Similarly, if you have just delivered, family planning is essential to prevent you from getting pregnant to ensure your child breastfeeds exclusively. After six weeks from delivery, you are advised to start family planning to help your uterus heal entirely and give you time to rest and recover before your subsequent pregnancy.
What types of birth controls are available?
Generally, there are various family planning methods available, including:
1. Long-acting family planning methods

Examples of long-acting birth control methods are implants and intrauterine devices, which last for approximately three to twelve years. Most of these long-acting methods usually use hormones to prevent conception apart from copper intrauterine devices. These methods do not require maintenance because all you are required to do is go for your annual women’s wellness exam.
2. Short-acting birth control

Typically, all short-term birth control methods use progestin or estrogen hormones to prevent pregnancy. These family planning methods work by thickening your cervical mucus, inhibiting ovulation, and thinning your uterine wall. An example of short-acting birth control is oral contraceptives which require taking one pill per day.
Other types of birth controls under this category include patches that should be changed per week, a three-month injection commonly known as Depo Provera, and a vaginal ring that is supposed to be worn for about three weeks. Of importance to note and be keen on this type of method is consistency for effectiveness and reliability in preventing conception.
3. Barrier methods

Barrier family planning methods include diaphragms and condoms. They usually work by preventing sperm from entering the uterus. These methods should also be used every time you are having sex. Other methods include natural methods where women track their menstrual cycle and only engage in sex on their safe days. This natural method is not effective if your menstrual periods are usually irregular.
When can you conceive after stopping birth control?
You can begin trying to get pregnant once you are ready and comfortable to conceive after stopping your family planning methods. Most women usually conceive one month or a year after stopping their family planning methods. The time when you can conceive depends on individual factors.
Family planning does help the mother and the family at large. Planning when to conceive and the number of children you want enables you to gather enough finances to meet the needs of every family member. Therefore, if you are interested in using birth controls, start by booking your appointment online at Serenity Women’s Health & Med Spa today.