Emergency dentistry involves dental procedures and treatments to resolve urgent problems of your gums or teeth. Sports injuries, accidents, or falls can cause these dental emergencies. Emergency dentistry can help relieve pain and prevent further damage to your teeth or gums. Your cosmetic and general dentist Beaumont, CA handles your condition depending on the extent of the damage. Any dental problem leading to extreme pain or bleeding needs immediate medical care. The common dental defects that need emergency dentistry include:
Toothache can indicate various problems, cavities being the leading cause. Pain can occur as you eat or drink and persist for several hours. Some toothaches are manageable without immediate treatment, but you need emergency care if you experience specific signs like swelling. You can use a cold compressor on the outside cheek of your cheek before you get to your dentist.
Chipped or broken teeth
A chipped or broken tooth ruins your smile and can also cause pain. You can split your tooth by biting something too hard like opening soda bottles, falling, or severe hits when playing sports. Grinding or clenching your teeth can lead to cracking or chipping of your teeth. Before you reach your specialist, you can rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a piece of gauze to the bleeding site.
Knocked-out teeth

You can handle a knocked-out tooth similarly to a chipped one. Immediately after the situation happens, rinse off the root of the knocked-out teeth if it is dirty. Avoid scrubbing and removing attached tissue fragments. Put the extracted tooth in a small cup of water with a pinch of salt. Ensure you get emergency care within an hour to increase the chances of restoring your tooth.
Lost filling or crown
Fillings and crowns are used to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. It would help if you got them treated immediately to avoid infection or further damage when one of these breaks. You can temporarily fix your crown before you get to your dentist. Do not fix the broken filling yourself. Instead, stick a sugarless gum into the cavity. You can place the restoration in a zip-top bag and take it to your dentist for reapplication.
Infections in your mouth, especially around the root tooth or between your teeth and gums, can be disturbing. If left untreated, they can spread to the surrounding teeth, gums, or other body parts. An abscess on your gum can appear as a pimple-like swollen and painful spot. To prevent worse oral conditions, seek immediate medical attention.
Bleeding and pain after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, it is expected you experience pain, especially after the anesthesia subsides. Bleeding can also occur. If your pain and bleeding persist, you should get emergency care. Before you get to your dentist, placing a clean gauze pad over the extraction site and applying a little pressure by biting down on the gauze can help. Avoid drinking, eating, sucking, or smoking to prevent severe destruction.
Proper brushing and flossing your teeth, watching what you put in your mouth, and putting on a mouthguard when engaging in sports can help prevent most dental problems. Schedule an appointment at Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental for emergency dentistry to avoid deterioration of your dental condition.