Dentures have been used to replace several lost teeth for years, and while conventional dentures might put many off, today’s dentures are nothing like before. Contemporary dentures are more efficient and natural-looking than before, particularly when performed at a recognized dental clinic like Family Dentistry of West Chester.
Nonetheless, how can you establish if dentures West Chester are a good match for you? Why not resort to alternative dental restoration procedures like implants or bridges? In this post, general dentist Dr. Ruchi Trambadia provides insights into some common circumstances when dentures are the most appropriate solution. Read on to learn more.
You Have Several Missing Teeth

Patients who lack multiple teeth from an entire arch, whether in the bottom or top jaw, may benefit from dentures. These dentures come in two kinds; full and partial. A partial denture is used with the remaining natural teeth, whereas a complete or full denture restores teeth missing from an entire arch. Moreover, unlike partial dentures that can be fastened into brackets attached to the remaining teeth, full dentures require the use of an adhesive, natural suction, or dental implants.
Your Teeth are Deteriorating

Dentures are not just for if you are missing teeth, as Dr. Ruchi Trambadia will inform you during your consultation. Dentures may be a wonderful alternative for restoring your ideal smile. Logic dictates that you should preserve your natural teeth wherever practicable. Nevertheless, if you have multiple teeth that are severely damaged, fractured, or otherwise decaying past repair, dentures can assist you in regaining normal shape and function. Associated benefits of having dentures include better speech, a healthy diet, and improved self-esteem.
You Have A Sloppy Denture

If you have a pre-existing denture that is not fitting properly, Dr. Trambadia can help you by securing it in position or replacing it with another denture altogether. If left unaddressed, a sloppy denture poses numerous concerns, including cuts, sores, and blisters in your mouth, as well as putting you at risk of different oral infections. Common signs that your dentures might not be as good as they once were are experiencing difficulties with speech or a poor bite.
You Are Not Eligible For Dental Implants

Whereas dentures might sometimes need support from implants, they are not always necessary. Some people lack multiple teeth but cannot receive implants due to medical issues or other factors such as age. For instance, implants may impact the growth of underlying bones in children and teens under 18 years. Likewise, you will be better off with a regular denture rather than implants if you have gum disease.
Now, if you think you might profit from dentures based on these highlighted qualification criteria, do not delay learning more about this tooth replacement alternative. While you might be right in thinking dentures are appropriate for you, the only way to know that without any uncertainty is to consult a dental specialist. During your initial consultation with Dr. Ruchi Trambadia, she will examine your mouth and factor in your requirements to establish your eligibility for dentures. Arrange an appointment through mobile or book online to learn more.